Friday, March 9, 2012

New to my kitchen window!

A dear friend of mine from work gave me this little aloe plant yesterday! She said it is one of the "babies" of her own plant! I have never had an aloe plant before. She also said that mine will grow very big and have babies of its own. I'm looking forward to that!
Emily made me that little "I {heart} Mom" stone several years ago. It had gotten put back in the kitchen cabinet. I like it much better in its new location.
Can you see that my kitchen window is open? I just love the fresh air coming in and being able to hear the kids and the birds...the dog, not so much...but now she can hear me fussing at her to stop barking.
I hope you are enjoying the early signs of spring.
This weekend is the beginning of daylight savings time around here. Our days will be lighter longer. We love this time of year! 
Have a great weekend!


  1. I do not have a green thumb at all... but I should try harder-- I love your new little plant! (and instant burn relief-- BONUS!)

    I love to open the windows and let in fresh air-- but a cold front came through here... so no luck for me!!

  2. I knew as soon as I saw the title. Unfortunately my sills aren't wide enough for plants. Which really is probably a good thing. We have one lone bamboo shoot in our house. Thank goodness you reminded me of the daylight savings. We had forgotten this was the weekend. Spring is slowly on its way. Snow was melting yesterday and it was so nice. Not quite warm enough for the windows to be opened though, but soon. Have a great weekend Jen.

  3. Love your aloe plant. My mom has a large one and she said she wanted to give me part of it, now I really want it. I love the windows open as well! The "mom" rock is awesome.


  4. I remember my mom always having an aloe plant when I was growing up...but I've never had one! Maybe I could adopt one of your babies someday?! That sounded weird! Anyway, we are excited to change our clocks this weekend...yay for more daylight! Have a great weekend Jen!

  5. I love it. Aloe is awesome. I used to have a huge aloe plant, but our old dog freaked out and ruined it.

  6. I always say I need an aloe plant. I think this just might make me run to the nursery this weekend.

  7. This aloe vera will sit comfortably on your window where it can enjoy the ample amount of sunlight coming in to the room. That plant will help in bringing life to your room, and provide you with fresh air to breathe. It also has that calming effect on you every time you see it.
