Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Year and a look back!

For me this Christmas...to be absent from my blog...was to be present with my family!
I did not intend to be so absent, but truthfully, we had such a great time of family get-togethers, festivities and such that I was either too busy or too tired to post pictures and write updates. I was able to keep up with many of favorite blogs by way of my daughter's new Nook tablet. I secretly used it before she opened it on Christmas. He he! I was even able to comment a little bit here and there. I do intend on fully catching up with the goings~on in Blogland this week.
As far as new years go...I am excited to be starting a fresh! I always feel a sense of newness. I do not set resolutions really, but I usually feel excited about renewal....making things better or healthier or simpler.
I hope to come up with a few real and measurable goals...but I am not putting conditions on myself to declare them as resolutions for 2012.
To make up for my Christmas absence...I will be "looking back" and posting our Christmas time happenings this week. This blog is my family scrapbook of sorts so they must be included! We still have our tree up in the family room...most of the other decorations are down. After this weekend...we will be post Christmas~blog included.    
So in looking back...
We started our break with a 6th grade band concert!
The gym was packed full of families. Emily had other plans, but she rearranged them to be able to support her brother. When she arrived, she said, "Hey! He's first chair!" I didn't know it, but apparently that is a good thing. These kids have only been playing for 3 1/2 months. They sounded great! Believe me when I say that the Tuba sounds much better when accompanied by the other instruments.
A few days later we had an early Christmas family get~together to exchange gifts and share a meal. We enjoyed a fabulous brunch!
Breakfast casserole, Blueberry~Peach Fruit Casserole, bacon, and pastries! 
So very yummy! I'll add recipes soon!

A few days later...it was off to Nana's house! We love Nana's at Christmas time. We eat out for dinner and breakfast...have tons of snacks, cookies, cakes and soft drinks. And we open a ridiculous amount of presents....and who doesn't love that!
It's Nana with her Rudolph costume on! She wore it proudly into Jason's Deli where we had a yummy holiday dinner of Soup and Salad bar...and Huge Baked potatoes!
We discovered the potatoes must be 2 potatoes with the ends cut off to make it look like 1 giant potato.
Then, it was back home to check out all those gifts...
Sweatshirts, books, video games, bathrobes, gift cards, nerf guns, money and of course...socks and underwear.
I'm wondering now...does anyone else notice that I am missing from these pics. I must do abetter job of getting out from behind the camera. That's okay...next up is our skating adventure in uptown. Emily got a great video of me falling on the ice. Let's see if I'm brave enough to post it here!
More "looking back" to come.
Happy New Year everyone!


  1. I love the presents going up the stairs! It is so festive and inviting! Do you keep them there rather than under the tree?

    Though I love Christmas, I am so ready for it all to come down too....

    Moving forward!

  2. Can't wait to catch up with you Jen. Christmas looked wonderful. We have our tree up until the 6th. Last year it was up until February. I love the lights at night it is so dark here so early.

  3. hey there, stranger, happy new year! i too am all about renewal and newness this 2012 ;-) your christmas looks like it was wonderful, the brunch goodies look especially delicious, too - yum!

  4. Sounds and looks like a great Christmas...I have to ask...the football 'thing' in the last pic that your son is holding up...what is it?? Is it a game or a book?? Just wondering as I am sure it would be something one of my boys would love!! Here's a a blessed 2012!

  5. I laughed about those large potatoes at Jason's Deli....I never thought that is the way they do it, smart! Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas. Happy New Year! :)

  6. Ahhh Jen, I love the sweet way that you write about your family and life! I am catching up on blog reading (um blog posting for me has been sporadic and backlogged!). So good to catch up with you!! hugs, cathy

  7. We love the tuba. . .not everyone can pull it off!

    Loving Grandma dressed up like rudolph. . . sounds like the title of a whacky song!

    Glad you were present with your fam!

  8. Oh, yes, drums sound best when accompanied by the band as well...

    Looks like it was a wonderful Christmas!
