Thursday, July 7, 2011

"L" is for "Look what I've been up to!"

Someone is away at camp this week. While she is away, I have been busy with a little project in her honor!
It is the same someone who "wuz" here in '07!
I was supposed to wait until she got home, but I realized that if I get the job done while she is gone, then I will  be able to get rid of a lot more stuff without as much discussion.
I am hoping that by next week's alphabe-Thursday, the "M" will be for "Make-over!"
I am also hoping that by then, I will have time to catch up with all of my friends in Blogland!
Now for me ... it's back to work! In 2 days...she will be home!
Enjoy your day!

To read more alphabe-Thursday posts, head on over to Jenny Matlock's blog!! Jenny Matlock


  1. Pretty neat!

    Who doesn't love a good surprise?


  2. It's such a pretty color, I know she'll love it.

  3. This is the second while you were out makeover I have come across today! I love the color you chose, and you are absolutely right about getting rid of things! Do it while she is gone and the discussion ends with the one you have with yourself! :) Thanks for sharing!

  4. Loved it. And what is it with you women that get all I'm painting this room and stuff. It makes me tired just thinking about it.

  5. I really like the new room color and can't wait to see the make-over pictures :)

  6. I can't wait to see the finished room. I bet she will love it.

  7. I love that color!! She can't help but love it!

  8. I'm sure she'll love it. I would!

  9. Smart, smart Mom!

    Love the happy, cool color! Can't wait to see the makeover!

    and the "MOM!" picture from when she sees it.

    Thanks for the smile and the cute link this week.

