in challenging myself!
It is true. I have always enjoyed a little challenge. I get excited at the thought of accomplishing a goal, even though I know that finishing is not nearly as easy as starting any challenge...big or small.
This month, I have decided to challenge myself to participate in the 31 Days series hosted by the Nester ...and I want to finish strong!
The gist of the 31 Day Series is that you choose a topic...any topic...and blog about it every day for the month of October. The topic should be specific enough to be called a series, but broad enough that you have something new to say each day! There are already over 900 people linked up to join the fun. Topics include everything from "31 Days to an organized life" and "31 Days of Pinterest Projects" to "31 Days of Slow Cooker Meals" and "31 days of fun and FIT"......and almost everything in between...really everything. To check out these and all other series, go here!
My topic will be I believe....
I am excited to begin....and hopeful for the end!
Happy October...and all that it brings!
Fun! Wish I would have started this yesterday! But I will keep it for another month and enjoy reading yours!!!!